How to build a ChatGPT assistant to help you communicate 如何构建自己的AI交流助手
Use case: Learn AI, AI for work, AI for productivity
Tool: ChatGPT
Time for learning: 8 mins
What you will learn
Say goodbye to communication fatigue! Discover how you can build your own AI communication assistant and transform your writing experience.
In this video, we're tackling a key challenge faced by remote knowledge workers: writing. From emails to Slack messages, writing is at the core of our communication. But what if I told you that you can create your own AI assistant to help with this crucial task? An AI assistant can save you time, reduce fatigue, and ensure you don't miss out on important discussions. I’ll guide you through the process step-by-step, from setting up your ChatGPT account to training your AI assistant. Ready to revolutionize your work life? Let's dive in!
one of the most valuable use cases - my personal slack assitant
50% of work is about communication, esp for remote knowledge workers, such as marketer, designer, programmer, manager.
Writing communication takes a large chunk of it.
most of my conmmunication, I’m clear on the core message I want to say. But I always spend so much time on tweaking the language. Esp as a non-native speaker. Time consuming.
It’s also energy consuming. You think replying emails don’t need much engery? Think again.
do you have this experience: receive an important email at the end of a workday, and because you are so tired of a hard day’s work, you don’t want to respond to it, even you know you should.
and sometimes because of time and energy you don’t engage with some communication which you should, and that’s also not very good for your long tern career growth.
That’s why an AI communication assistant is super helpful. It can help you save time, leave your energy for more important stuff, keep engaging with valuable and important stuff.