I get GPT to do the hardest part of my tutoring job: Half a year in (Jan 2024)

I get GPT to do the hardest part of my tutoring job: Half a year in (Jan 2024)

Utilize AI to tailor lesson materials for individual students, making personalized education more efficient and impactful.

Jul 30, 2024
Utilize AI to tailor lesson materials for individual students, making personalized education more efficient and impactful.
Utilize AI to tailor lesson materials for individual students, making personalized education more efficient and impactful.
  • Use Case: Customizing teaching content for individual students using AI to enhance personalized learning.
  • Tool: ChatGPT-4, Claude 2, Dall-E 3.
  • Time for Learning: 45-60 minutes to understand and implement the use case.
Original article:


This article explores how AI can be harnessed to create personalized lesson materials for tutoring English, demonstrating the potential for AI to revolutionize teaching. By leveraging tools like ChatGPT-4 and Dall-E 3, tutors can efficiently generate customized content that reflects each student's unique interests and needs. The process involves synthesizing information from lesson notes and creating relevant, engaging materials that enhance the learning experience. This approach can be adapted to various educational and professional contexts where personalized content is crucial.

Bear’s take

As a tutor, personalizing lesson materials for each student can be incredibly time-consuming. But with AI, we can streamline this process and ensure that each lesson is highly relevant and engaging. I like how the author focused on content creation and using AI tools to handle the heavy lifting, we can make our teaching more effective and enjoyable. It's a game-changer for anyone in a role that involves synthesizing large amounts of information. 🌟

What you’ll learn

From this article, you'll learn how to effectively use AI to create personalized lesson materials, transforming the way you approach teaching. Here's a detailed breakdown:
  1. Personalizing Lessons with AI: Understand how AI can help tailor lesson content to each student's interests and needs, enhancing engagement and learning outcomes.
  1. Step-by-Step Process: Follow a clear process for using AI tools like ChatGPT-4 and Dall-E 3 to create customized educational materials. This includes synthesizing lesson notes, generating example sentences, and creating relevant images.
  1. Efficiency and Effectiveness: Discover how AI can save time and improve the quality of your lesson materials, allowing you to focus more on teaching and less on preparation.
  1. Adapting Across Fields: Learn how this approach can be applied to various professions that require synthesizing large amounts of information and creating customized content.
  1. Practical Implementation: See practical examples of AI-generated content, including example sentences and images tailored to specific student interests.

Key steps

  1. Identify Learning Goals: Decide what language items or concepts to teach based on past lessons.
  1. Gather Relevant Data: Compile lesson notes and relevant student information.
  1. Generate Content with AI: Use ChatGPT-4 or Claude 2 to create customized example sentences and Dall-E 3 to generate related images.
  1. Review and Edit: Sift through AI-generated content, selecting and refining the best examples.
  1. Create Lesson Materials: Combine selected examples and images into cohesive lesson materials tailored to the student.
  1. Deliver Personalized Lessons: Use the customized materials in your tutoring sessions to enhance student engagement and learning.

Next step

  • Experiment with creating personalized lesson materials using AI tools for your next tutoring session.
  • Share your experiences with colleagues and explore how AI can be integrated into other areas of your teaching or professional work.
  • Stay updated with the latest AI tools and techniques to continually improve your content creation process.

  • 使用场景: 使用AI定制教学内容,增强个性化学习。
  • 工具: ChatGPT-4,Claude 2,Dall-E 3。
  • 学习时间: 了解并实施该使用场景需要45-60分钟。


本文探讨了如何利用AI为辅导英语创建个性化课程材料,展示了AI在教学中的革命性潜力。借助ChatGPT-4和Dall-E 3等工具,辅导员可以高效地生成符合每个学生独特兴趣和需求的定制内容。整个过程包括综合课程笔记中的信息,创建相关且有趣的材料,从而提升学习体验。这种方法适用于各种需要个性化内容的教育和专业环境。




  1. 使用AI个性化课程: 了解AI如何帮助根据每个学生的兴趣和需求量身定制课程内容,提升参与度和学习效果。
  1. 逐步过程: 按照清晰的步骤,使用ChatGPT-4和Dall-E 3等AI工具创建定制教育材料,包括综合课程笔记、生成示例句子和创建相关图像。
  1. 效率与效果: 发现AI如何节省时间并提高课程材料的质量,使您可以更多地专注于教学而非准备工作。
  1. 跨领域适应: 学习如何将这种方法应用于需要综合大量信息和创建定制内容的各种职业。
  1. 实际应用: 了解AI生成内容的实际示例,包括根据特定学生兴趣量身定制的示例句子和图像。


  1. 确定学习目标: 根据以往课程决定要教授的语言项目或概念。
  1. 收集相关数据: 汇总课程笔记和相关学生信息。
  1. 使用AI生成内容: 使用ChatGPT-4或Claude 2生成定制的示例句子,使用Dall-E 3生成相关图像。
  1. 审查和编辑: 筛选AI生成的内容,选择和完善最佳示例。
  1. 创建课程材料: 将选定的示例和图像组合成针对学生的整体课程材料。
  1. 提供个性化课程: 在您的辅导课程中使用定制材料,增强学生的参与度和学习效果。


  • 尝试使用AI工具为您的下一次辅导课程创建个性化课程材料。
  • 与同事分享您的经验,探索如何将AI整合到您的教学或专业工作的其他领域。
  • 关注最新的AI工具和技术,不断改进您的内容创建过程。

Hi there 👋  I'm Bear - a Product Designer, Podcaster, and Author who loves design, tech, and productivity.
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